Write Lightning is a blog from writer Deb Thompson.
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(Some links or topics may not be completely kid-appropriate.)

Sun, Nov 30 2003

Accentuate The Essential Elements And Form Cohesive Visions

If you've ever had to write hype, or compose one of those worthless, ethereal mission statements for some company going through an identity crisis, you'll appreciate the sheer genius of the Hot Mod Automatic Memo Generator.

It sounds just like wisdom from Professor Irwin Corey.

posted at: 18:04 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Fri, Nov 28 2003

Somebody Came To Town For Thanksgiving And It Wasn't Santa

Well, here's proof that fame is a relative thing. While we were preparing for Thanksgiving dinner, a little store in the town adjacent to ours was the scene of small-town bedlam when Latino singer Lupillo Rivera showed up at La Esperanza Market and signed autographs for happy fans. I've never heard of the guy (which is fair, I suppose-he's probably never heard of me either). He's been singing for years and winning awards, but I just don't listen to Latin music as a general rule, so I never knew who he was.

The La Esperanza Market (where Rivera showed up and signed autographs) used to be called The Happy Burro Market. I don't know why it changed names, but I've often wondered if it was because some of us here nicknamed it The Happy Ass Market. I'll bet Rivera never knew that. Like I said-fame is a relative thing.

posted at: 09:13 | category: /Arts and Entertainment | link to this entry

Thu, Nov 27 2003

Wishbone: Grab A Handle On Life And Pull!

Troops in Iraq (and similar places) miss their families, mourn lost companions, and are inventing desert versions of home traditions. Orbiting NASA personnel are feasting on a space-age version of a traditional holiday meal. I hear they heard some sort of strange noise that sounded like a tin can. Emptied of cranberry sauce, perhaps?

And the Bush family celebrates with Pecan Pie With Homegrown Nuts. I am not touching that headline.

Teachers are still trying to explain what really happened on the first Thanksgiving, and folks are still trying to reconcile warped modern traditions (like roast turkey) with Native American religious beliefs. And the Native Americans? Well, the ones in Southern California are trying to recover from the recent wildfires and are inviting you to come and have a traditional (including roast turkey) Thanksgiving dinner at places like Valley View Casino.

There's a battle going on about a box that might or might not "affirm" the existence of Jesus. Will American scientists pronouce the box authentic, and if they do, will it make a real difference to those who believe? It's a funny world we live in, and a lot of universal themes seem to loop back on themselves this time of year. We use the spiritual to affirm our physical nature, and we look to physical things as evidence that we have a place in the spiritual world. We seem to enjoy reminding ourselves that we have a foot in both places in the universe. Maybe Thanksgiving is as good a day as any to think about the juxtaposition and blending of the two, and to be thankful for an eclectic, serious, funny kind of existence.

posted at: 09:23 | category: /Religious and Spiritual | link to this entry

Wed, Nov 26 2003

Batten Down The Hatches

There used to be a cosmetic myth that washing our faces with warm water would "open" our skin pores and ending with a cold water rinse would "close" them. Later I learned this belonged in the same class of bunk that claimed you would die if you got shingles on both sides of your body and the two outbreaks met in the middle. Our skin is the largest, most vulnerable organ of the human body, protecting our internal system from the outside ravages of the world. And though we can't open and close our pores like submarine hatches, skin pores (along with our respiratory system) are the first stop for atmospheric changes and environmental hazards that could harm the body as a whole. Wouldn't it be great if we really could use a skin pore to monitor anything that approaches and attempts to penetrate the skin? Enter the Nanopore. Research using this type of technology has already taken several paths, including one toward the study of DNA.

It seems to me that the problem remains that once an unwelcome intruder can be detected by these savvy nanopores, evils such as biochemical weapons are still present. The pore has not shut them out. I wonder if anyone is working on that solution.

posted at: 09:42 | category: /Science | link to this entry

Tue, Nov 25 2003

Cinnamon Buns: The Mark Of The Beast?

There is a bulging dome in Yellowstone Lake in Wyoming. Park officials are keeping their cool. There were quite a few stories earlier this summer that warned of some sort of eventual explosion, but no one seems to be absolutely certain when this sort of thing could actually happen. If you go searching on the web, you'll find that many of these tales can be traced back to either religious groups or folks that are looking for aliens, planetary alignments, and other corollary information to promote their particular brand of alarm. Some of the religious groups combine a sort of marriage of the two types of alarmist literature into modern myths of Christ sending aliens to enlighten us all so that we can turn into pure energy before the planet blows itself into quarksville. If you read enough of this stuff, the hairs on back of your neck begin to stand up and you wonder if they're growing in the shape of a crop circle. When you reach back to check, you notice it's in a spiral, like the shape of a Cinnamon Bun, which some folks think is tied right in to the Mark of the Beast.

Don't you just love this stuff?

posted at: 11:56 | category: /Religious and Spiritual | link to this entry

Mon, Nov 24 2003

Congressional-Induced Prescription Drug Euphoria

So I think I'm hearing that one of the perks of the Medicare prescription drug bill would be funding for the FDA to "regulate" prescription drugs more than they do now.

Since Congress has helped tobacco farmers to move from tobacco (drug) growing into other agricultural products, has cracked down on youth-aimed advertising and outright illegal sales of tobacco to minors, and has increased taxes and regulation on tobacco products, tobacco products are still very easy to obtain, and yet they are more expensive than ever.
Here's a simplified explanation of what it takes to get a drug approved. (Before 1962 there was a much simpler process.) Has more government regulation of anything ever cost American taxpayers less money in the long run?

As organizations, businesses, private citizens and members of Congress continue to debate the good and bad of the Medicare prescription drug bill, we keep hearing "compromise" and "it's a start". I hope it's not a start down the road to the highest cost of living (and dying) we've ever seen in this country. There's a lot of talk about "drug safety" and "consumer protection". This bill may or may not make some seniors feel safer and protected. (Others may actually pay more for their health premiums and prescription drugs). And all seniors' children and grandchildren will pay more money down the line.

There used to be a bumpersticker I'd see on a senior's car now and then that read, "I'm spending my grandchildren's inheritance!" Increased government regulation in all our lives is helping them to do just that.

posted at: 10:37 | category: /Politics | link to this entry

Sat, Nov 22 2003

Neighborly Tale

I often refer to myself as a "renegade" Seventh-day Adventist, so reports of denominational happenings always catch my eye, and I also hear bits of news from other "Sevens" who are friends. This week a fire virtually destroyed the girls' dormitory at the Auburn Adventist Academy up in Washington. Adventists aren't known (as a denomination, at least) for their support of things such as gambling, so it was amusing to me that one of the first offers of help came from a local gambling establishment. I'd like to believe that if the situation was reversed, that Adventists would reach out with a similar unconditional gesture.

If I ever get up to Auburn, I hope to swing by the school's campus and soak up its hardy work-study atmosphere in a scenic setting. And if I ever get by Muckleshoot Casino, I may drop a few coins there and/or have a meal. These two institutions may at first seem at odds with each other in purpose, but after this week I have a feeling everyone up there is getting an education in what the term "neighbor" can really mean in a crisis.

posted at: 06:54 | category: /Religious and Spiritual | link to this entry

Fri, Nov 21 2003

Cold, Colder and In The Deep Freeze

Today I'm collecting my thoughts on several things. I was concerned about the news of the Hepatitis A outbreaks, so I went digging to find food safety tips. There are several places to find good information, but one that particularly helped me was a section on Take-Out Food Safety. I liked their basic guideline on how long to keep cooked and uncooked foods. I found out I'm actually a fanatic with things like poultry. If I buy chicken, and it isn't cooked or frozen withen 24 hours of purchase, I get nervous about using it at all. If I buy any meat at all in a grocery store I either put it into the cart last, or I put it between frozen items to keep it as cold as possible until I can get it home to the fridge.

We're forecast to have a cold snap this weekend, and by cold I mean dipping below the freezing mark. That would be nothing to much of the U.S., but in this area we have many plants that stay outside year-round, and a freeze means either dragging them inside for a night or two, or wrapping them to prevent frostbite. I may put Christmas lights on the potted avocado tree in the back yard a bit early this year. The lights add a bit of warmth that protects against the cold air.

The new governor is having a "hit-the-ground-running" kind of first week in office. It may be a long, cold winter all-around in California.

posted at: 09:41 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Thu, Nov 20 2003

Curiouser And Curiouser

Well, this is strange. I've been reading a bit about SCO's recent actions regarding IBM, and came across articles that mentioned their dealings with LinuxTag in Germany. So I dug a bit and ended up reading (by scrolling down the page for the English version) of injunctions against SCO's German subsidiary. But the link to the German site seems to be gone (at least I can't access it). And LinuxTag has a new site which points to material on their old site. Former Caldera co-founder Ransom Love (who was there when Caldera acquired SCO, from what I understand), has broken ties with the whole mess, and has recently joined the board of directors at Progeny, which works with the Linux Platform. I read at one point that Ransom Love had been a major part of UnitedLinux, but after reading this article, I have a better understanding of what he did. Or do I? He has definitely taken the high road when it comes to talking about the past, but check out last year's Computerworld story about Love's departure from UnitedLinux. I'm more confused than I was when I began trying to catch up on this tale. And I could find no mention of Ransom Love on the UnitedLinux site.

There's a link on SCO's site to this TechNewsWorld article, which I would blandly assume means that SCO likes that story. But once I followed the story down the page and read the comments, it baffled me why SCO would link to something that was full of snarling and jabs at SCO.

To add to my confusion, I have tried and tried to find out just what it is that IBM is in trouble for with regard to the code issue. Is it true that not even IBM itself has been given information as to exactly what bits and bytes they nipped off with? It sounds like an old Perry Mason episode, in which Perry jumps up at the last moment and presents evidence that no one has been privy to for the entire length of the show. I am thoroughly confused, and I'd really like to know how this will affect all of us who use computers in the future.

By the way, I hear Ransom Love's been working on a book about the early days of Linux and its metamorphosis as a commercial product. I knew there was something I liked about that guy. He's a writer.

posted at: 11:34 | category: | link to this entry

Wed, Nov 19 2003

Is This What They Mean By Sue-HAPPY?

I'm just now catching up on all this trouble. The lawyer who sent the letter demanding that Justene remove her "message page" actually looks like a nice enough guy. I guess that's why he signed the letter "Sincerely".

I do think we need some new business correspondence etiquette. When you begin a letter such as this with "Dear so-and-so" and end with "Sincerely", and everything between those two is a threat (in this case a threat of legal action), it seems to me that we need some new salutations and closings that would be appropriate for this type of correspondence. Instead of "dear" we could use "notice to" or just "Hey, You". "Dear" is just too friendly and cozy when you're about to wreck someone's day. And rather than using "sincerely" to close, "unpretentiously" might do better, or "earnestly", or perhaps "disdainfully" in such a negative situation. "Dear" and "Sincerely" are just too friendly and too much of a bait-and-switch-and-then-bait-and-switch-again type of thing for my sensitive nature. Then again, as a writer I must admit that a plot twist is what keeps your audience on the edge of their seats.

Read more of The Perils Of Justene here.

posted at: 09:14 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Tue, Nov 18 2003

Thoughts On The Swearing-In

I wonder how it will go now for the 38th Governor of California? It will be interesting to come back in a few months, or years, and see what else has been entered under his name. I watched a bit of the swearing-in ceremony yesterday, and saw what I think was a fascinating mix of emotions on this man's face just before he stepped up to take the Oath of Office. For those of you who have ever signed papers when making that commitment to buy a house or car, you might understand the adrenalin rush that comes to you as you realize you're doing something new, fun, significant, and with potentially terrifying consequences. I don't know him, but I thought I saw that sort of mix on his face as he sat and waited to be called forward to begin the really hard work of doing what he said he would do. Each step of his life led to his election. Pride and joy and fear wrestled each other on his face. He couldn't be the actor anymore. This was it. Time to roll up the sleeves and see if Californians still love you when you have to bring them bad news once in awhile.

Well, I'm speculating, of course. But for just a second I thought I also saw one other thought dance in his eyes. It was something like, "I am the luckiest guy on the planet."

posted at: 10:01 | category: /Politics | link to this entry

Mon, Nov 17 2003

Can Ya Hear Me zzzzzz...Now?

Well, it looks like the battle over the safety of cell phones is still going. It's good that we study the long-term effects. I think we should. But buried deeply in the middle of this article was a paragraph that gave me a shiver. The information from a professor at Loma Linda University School of Medicine referred to current military research involving microwave weapons. The aim of such weapons would be to "alter consciousness by interfering with brain activity" or "to stun".

After reading that little gem, I'm stunned plenty, believe me.

posted at: 13:16 | category: /Science | link to this entry

Sun, Nov 16 2003

Good Question

My husband Ron (an engineer who got laid off a year ago and has been hunting for a full-time job while he does contract work and volunteer work) gave me permission to blog this. Ron's been listening for months to the speeches from the White House officials about the good we're doing in Iraq. Today on the car radio we heard again about all the money the United States citizens need to keep sending to get the folks over there on the right track with being able to live their lives peacefully, and how they will soon have a democracy where they are free to work, buy food, worship freely and take care of their families. He finally turned to me and said, "Hey, that sounds pretty good. So should I move to Iraq?"

posted at: 17:10 | category: /Politics | link to this entry

Sat, Nov 15 2003

Sometimes You Can Go Home Again (If HBO Pays For It)

The town of Skowhegan, Maine is 180 years old this year. But that's probably not the biggest news in this Somerset County town of approximately 10,000 people. The picturesque Old Mill Pub on Water Street is probably buzzing with news of the visitors. But Maybe the folks on Water Street who are having the most fun are the residents at the Redington Memorial Home, who gave up their place for a day or two for filming. They also got the chance to sit and talk with the likes of Ed Harris and Joanne Woodward, who came to town with director and crew to film scenes for HBO's "Empire Falls".

posted at: 14:34 | category: /Arts and Entertainment | link to this entry

Fri, Nov 14 2003

The Friday Five

I've never done The Friday Five, so I thought I'd play today.

1. Using one adjective, describe your current living space.

2. Using two adjectives, describe your current employer.
creative, curious

3. Using three adjectives, describe your favorite hobby/pasttime.
creative, fulfilling, challenging

4. Using four adjectives, describe your typical day
varied, brief, fun, challenging

5. Using five adjectives, describe your ideal life.
creative, fun, challenging, useful, fulfilling

hhhhmmmm...I repeated myself a lot here. Interesting. Now I'm headed off to see what others wrote.

posted at: 09:56 | category: /Playing | link to this entry

Thu, Nov 13 2003

It Really Is All About Me

Life has been teaching me some painful lessons lately, so I've been on the lookout for positive coping skills. I really liked some of the tips at Rules for Successful Living. Some days Number 10 is the big one for me. Other days I need to read Number 14 a few times. Some of the tips seem to work against one another though. If I follow Number 11 and Number 12, I'm going to have to make some tough choices that will make a few of the other tips even tougher to follow and still show acceptance to others. In the end I quit reading that list and ended up reading another story or two about successful relationships in general. I loved the remark they made about the squeaky wheel. Up until now, I've always heard people who want to speak about trouble use a similar (but very different expression). I've always heard "the squeaky wheel gets the grease", rather than "the squeakiest wheel often gets replaced first". That first saying puts me in the awful position of thinking I'll have the upper hand in a situation if I just open my mouth and let somebody hear my complaints. The second saying puts me in a position to help me realize just how much power I actually give up when I criticize and complain.

But that's still not the biggest lesson I have to learn. The big lesson is trying to internalize the fact that each of us can only successfully apply these lessons to ourselves--never to anyone else. It's still way too tempting for me to say, "So-and-so could really benefit from learning this stuff."

posted at: 09:23 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Wed, Nov 12 2003

Everybody's From Somewhere Else

It seems that climate changes are making increasingly tough winters for Monarch butterflies in Mexico. We have quite a few of the colorful critters who winter in coastal California, just south of our area in Pacific Grove. A lot of them congregate in Eucalyptus trees. It seems fitting that brand new generations of Monarchs who come here to winter spend the season in trees that are not native to the state.

I guess a Native Californian of any species may be one of the rarest species of all.

posted at: 12:51 | category: /Science | link to this entry

Tue, Nov 11 2003

Monday Browsing...

I keep seeing documentaries that feature the RAH-66 Comanche. I really love helicopters. And the Comanche is the closest thing I've seen to good old Airwolf. No one has come close to finding another really good Stringfellow Hawke, though (IMHO). Jan-Michael Vincent defined the part in his unique, understated fashion. Rosie did a really nice site on JMV that highlights a lot of his work. I miss seeing him in new projects, and hope he is doing well. If you enjoyed his work, you can send a note to say so, from the Official Site of Jan-Michael Vincent.

posted at: 11:34 | category: /Arts and Entertainment | link to this entry

Mon, Nov 10 2003

Have You Seen This Man?

Jack Simpson wants Atlantans to know how to recognize Osama bin Laden, just in case he shows up in Georgia. You know, even in the Middle East, bin Laden is not exactly the type who blends in with a crowd. I've wondered for some time why all the reward money for his capture has not led to any success. Now both he and Saddam Hussein are on the run. I realize that people who are faithful to their cause(s) might not ever be persuaded to turn them in, because there might be some eternal religious reward which cancels out the money of this world, in their eyes. But I'm still a bit puzzled that no one who really likes money has come forward with one or the other of these men.

I understand that we have dedicated troops who risk life and limb daily in these countries. Order is being restored in some places. But the religious and political issues are not gone. We still have to deal with the fact that there are differences between major religious factions that threaten to keep the pot stirred, just as it has been stirred for centuries. Is it that would-be bounty hunters know some psychology that the rest of us don't know? Or is there just some secret assassination in the works that we'll be hearing about soon?

In the meantime, people who still have an axe to grind continue to commit terrorist acts in numerous countries. Will that end if Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are captured? When our beloved troops come home, how long will they be able to stay home before the next terrorist leader arises? Do you think you could recognize the next Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein? Will someone have to? Would you bet that reward money on it?

posted at: 09:23 | category: /Politics | link to this entry

Sun, Nov 09 2003

These Seniors Don't Sit And Rock--They Just Rock!

I got to know a little more about the California Grey Bears yesterday. (Their home page still needs some work). This is not your average senior center with everyone sitting around waiting to yell "Bingo!" These people move! They make surplus food, surplus goods and used products stretch a long way. They run a thrift store, clip coupons, crush cardboard, feed active and disabled seniors and make enough money to generate 75 per cent of their own operating revenue through recycling programs. My husband (though he isn't a senior) has been going to their warehouse to help sort and repair computers that are then used to get seniors (and others) online for a ridiculously low price. I went with him yesterday to see the space where he's been working, and I even helped him take apart a few computer cases to sort for parts. Some older guy wandered in and didn't even make fun of me for being the only "fluffy female" in the place. He simply offered me a cordless screwdriver to make the work go a little faster, and then he disappeared. I guess he's used to seeing women pitch in, because on the way out we met a well-dressed, gray-haired lady half my size pushing a huge cart of food toward a waiting van.

There'll be no rocking chairs for this crowd--unless it's the one they unload for you when you drop it off at the donation center.

posted at: 08:35 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Sat, Nov 08 2003

Fri, Nov 07 2003

With Apologies To Terriers Everywhere

My husband spent some time battling those spam ads that came in via Windows Messenger Service. It appears that the offending parties threatened legal action against these folks at one point in time. Now they'll face some legal action of their own. They have no one to blame but themselves.

I ended up at some web site the other day and when I closed the browser window I was left with a colorful toolbar at the bottom of the screen. I looked at it very carefully and eventually found a "close" button on the right. My pop-up killing program did not prevent the little intruder from showing itself. I was so annoyed that all I could think about was getting rid of the thing, so I didn't pay attention to what it was hawking or which site it had been associated with at the time. There is a big list of adware/spyware here, so I suppose I should take some time to investigate further, just in case the first appearance of the intruding toolbar becomes a problem in the future.

You know, if someone jumped up at my window every few minutes and screamed ads at me I could have their arrogant derriere hauled off on a series of criminal charges. But these people believe that what they do to inconvenience our time, interrupt our work and invade our space every few minutes should be welcome fun.

They're a bit like an overly-anxious terrier who piddles on your lap and then expects a treat for it.

posted at: 07:36 | category: | link to this entry

Thu, Nov 06 2003

A Clean House Is The Sign Of An Unwritten Novel

I was on call as a substitute judge for an essay contest today, but didn't have to go, so I played at making some buttons, worked on a short story revision, made cream of cauliflower soup, and sent out two birthday greetings and some jokes to someone who's recuperating from an unfortunate fall. I never did get the vacuuming done. I admire people who think cleaning is a hobby. I forget to clean things. I can dust a whole room and just forget to do certain surfaces. I thought this cleaning technician must have a very clean house and a very dull life, but maybe cleaning appeals to her sense of comfort. Most of us don't have the luxury (or the inclination) to spend four hours every day cleaning our homes. And for those of us who live in small homes and have to keep research files and books, the challenge to keep things neat is overwhelming. Everytime I sit down to read one of those articles that claims to lead me to de-clutter my house, the first thing I run across is a hint that starts with something insane such as, "Take that spare closet and turn it into a home office center." I don't know about your place, but there are no "spare closets" just sitting around unused in a post World War II California bungalow.

I'm sure it's just a matter of putting these things into perspective. If you're an accountant who likes things to be precise and tidy, a dust-free, organized home (and home office) are probably at the top of your priority list. I noticed that when writer Connie Shelton wrote about finding time to write, she didn't mention having the bathroom towels folded into neat rows, or color-coordinating the Tupperware, or chasing down dust. You know, I'll bet that's why they call those paper covers on books "dust" jackets. It all makes perfect sense now.

posted at: 21:42 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Wed, Nov 05 2003

Gel And Moonshine

I found Moonshine Wiping Gel while looking for something else. Then I noticed that Moonshine Still has an interesting gel-like moving cursor on their site. But after listening to Moonshine Hangover's sad mp3 of Swamp Fever on this page, I think I could use some soothing Fresh Fur Gel for all those tear stains. It works on other stains too. Which leads me to wonder...

But maybe some questions are better left unasked.

posted at: 11:52 | category: /Playing | link to this entry

Tue, Nov 04 2003

Drunk On Distraction

Writers, if you get really desperate for a story idea, you can try The Instant Muse Story Starter. Or you can try Hatch's Plot Bank. Then there's the Random Logline Generator.

They're all great fun, but what I want is something that assists my brain in slipping right back into writing mode after running to rescue burning lunch, then stopping to empty wet clothes into the dryer, detouring to the bathroom on the way back and realizing the toilet paper supply needed to be replenished immediately.

Maybe if I'd found a dead body in the dryer I'd have the makings of a good mystery novel started...

posted at: 17:12 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Mon, Nov 03 2003

Just Open The Door And Let Me In: I Can Find It Myself!

Let me get this straight. The state of Florida thinks forbidding folks to just browse the circulating collection will actually increase circulation? Scholarly researchers will be exempt? Who determines exactly what a "scholarly researcher" is? Those of us who write spend long hours researching locales and history. And we sometimes don't research everything in a strictly logical fashion. We need the freedom to allow one researching point to bounce us to another point. Is this "no browsing" policy a trend in states? Is it a budget problem?

I visited a wonderful public library in Gadsden, Alabama a few years ago, and although we were asked to sign into the Genealogy Room, no one asked us to give them a list of exactly what we wanted to find. Library patrons chatted freely in the Room, and we shared information and knowledge of resources, and often exchanged email addresses and surname lists. The only time we were approached by a paid library worker was when one popped his head in the door to ask if a particular car belonged to anyone in the room because its headlights were on.

I think the American Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Issues page might be a good one to keep an eye on. And maybe we each need to spend a lot more time in the library putting those citizen-owned resources to work for us before those citizen-elected officials find new ways to make access to information more and more difficult to obtain.

posted at: 09:18 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Sun, Nov 02 2003


It's my birthday! I wanted to hike a bit in Nisene Marks today, but I've done something annoying to the calf muscles in my right leg, so hoofing trails will have to wait until a better day. (Nisene Marks is sometimes spelled Nicene Marks, and the area contains the epicenter of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.) Maybe I'll talk my hubby into a drive instead. We can take the cameras and point the car at some unknown destination in search of central California scenery in November. Maybe we'll find some tasty Mexican food. I've never been to Turtle Bay Taqueria. Unfortunately, it looks like they're not open on Sundays. I'm sure we'll find something interesting to try, if we just have fun looking for a spot.

posted at: 07:50 | category: | link to this entry

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